The unread story is not a story; it is little black marks on wood pulp. The reader reading it makes it live: a live thing, a story.' - Ursula K Le Guin
Broadford 100 Word Challenge
In order to contribute to improving writing and raising pupil engagement, we have launched a Broadford 100WC blog. In the first few weeks, staff will submit weekly entries to be published. The idea will then be rolled out to the pupils.
For each week there will be: a stimulus, sentence opener focus, imagery focus and punctuation focus. These ideas can then be used to support class teaching, encourage comments about writing and build up banks of quality sentences.
Staff entries should be emailed to:
(Teachers by Wednesday morning and Support Staff by Friday morning)
Pupil entries can be posted on their Phase Blog
Remember to use the Improving Writing Guidance to raise the quality/variety of language, imagery and openers being used.
Week 1 - 5th December
Text to include: ...and then the noise stopped...
Sentence Opener: Simile sentence opener
Punctuation: Exclamation mark
Imagery: Personification